• SMartS – scientific method in art studies. n. 1, April 2024 (English)

    The purpose of the project entitled “House of design and production Factory of Arts” is to engage students in their learning space by fostering their free operational choice in terms of
    participation and expressive techniques and promote research and development in the school through the design and production of different products made in spaces outside the school
    (from those closest in the territory to those far reached on the web) aiming at the development of the educational community.

    Coordinated by the art teacher Mr Giovanni Perillo, the project also involved teachers from other disciplinary departments through the design and implementation of empirical studies on
    aesthetic experiences that engaged students in scientific research activities, promoting the development of their skills in various disciplinary areas. From this shared work, the articles
    composing this journal were born with the intent not only to promote research and innovation but also the sharing of new ideas and contributions in a perspective open to comparison and
    collaboration with other students and teachers from Italian and European schools.


    Scientific Board
    Roberto Galeotti (Psychology of Art – Brera Academy of Fine Arts of Milan, Italy), Maria
    Luiza Rosa Barbosa (Department of Teaching Methodology – Federal University of Santa
    Catarina, Brazil), Fausta Scardigno (Department of Humanities Research and Innovation –
    University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy), Gianluigi de Gennaro (Department of Biology –
    University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy), Gabriella Falcicchio (Department of Education
    Sciences, Psychology, Communication – University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy), Lorenza
    Minervini (Italian Department, Istituto Comprensivo Manzoni Poli of Molfetta, Italy)
